Court bars Zuma from elections; MK Party plans UN appeal.
2 min 4 mths

Court is against Jacob Zuma and the party MK right before the vote.

The recent Constitutional ruling barring him from contesting elections due to his 2021 conviction for contempt has elicited a strong reaction from the uMkhonto we Sizwe. The party, with him as its leader, had positioned itself as a significant contender in the upcoming May 29 elections. However, the court’s decision represents a significant setback for their campaign.

MK Party spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela expressed the party’s determination to fight the ruling and pursue his political comeback. He criticized the current constitution, rooted in Roman Dutch law, and accused the judiciary of misusing their power. Ndhlela indicated that the MK Party aims to secure a two-thirds majority to amend the constitution, which they view as unrepresentative and subject to judicial abuse.

In an interview with Journals and Posts team, Ndhlela mentioned the party’s plan to appeal to the United Nations, drawing parallels to a similar case in Sri Lanka where a UN human rights committee overturned a domestic court order, allowing a political leader to run for elections. This indicates the party’s hope that international intervention might enable Zuma to participate in the elections despite the Constitutional Court’s ruling.

The ruling has stirred diverse reactions on social media, highlighting the polarized opinions about the leader. His supporters view the decision as a continuation of what they perceive as judicial persecution, while his critics argue that the decision upholds the rule of law and integrity of the judicial system. The MK Party’s next steps and their potential appeal to international bodies will be closely watched as the election date approaches.

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